Social and Political Theory from Polity Press
David Beetham, Max Weber and Ihe Theory of Modem ·
Richard Bernstein, ed., Habemws alld Modernity
Ric hard Bernstein, Philosophical Profile:,' The Constitution
John Burnheim, Is Democracy Possible?
Harold Garfinkel, Studies in Elhnomelhodology
Anthony G iddens, The Natioll-Stale alld Violence (Vol. 2 of of Society
A Contemporary Critique of Historical Materiah~m)
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A Selection o f ing Titles
Barry Barnes, The Basis of Power
Zygmunt Bauman, Legislators and Inlerpreler:,•
Roy Bhaskar, Reason, Emancipatioll and Being
Norberta Bobbio, What is S()cialism ?
Pierre Bourdieu, Language and Symbolic Power
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David Held, Model.~ of Democracy
Claude Lerort, The Politicol Forms of Modem Society
Niklas Luhmann. L(JI'e os PassiOIl
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Alan Rya n, Political : All Illtrodllction
Barbara Sichtermann. Femillinily: The Politic.~ nf the
Mic helle Stanworth. FeminisfII (jlld S(){'i()lo~y
John B. T ho mpson. The IlIlu /prell/lilJII of Ide() I()~y
Nigel Thrift, Slwiol Th erNY (/lId Hl/fIIml G ('(j~ml'lIy
Jamcs Tull y. cd .. 1\1 e llllill~ (/1/(/ (,ulIll',11
Jo hn Ul'ry and SCUll LISh. TI/(' Hlld o( ()r~
Anthony.Giddens.(1984)The.Constitution.of.Society 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.