血站采血护士针刺伤的危害及危险因素分析 天水市中心血站体采科 刘向阳 【摘要】目的分析血站采血护士针刺伤的危害及危险因素。 方法观察和总结采血 护士在工作中出现的问题进行分析。 结果污染针头刺伤后感染人类免疫缺陷病毒 ( HIV) 比率为 %,感染乙型肝炎病毒 (HBV) 比率是 %~%,被 HCV 感染 的针刺伤比率为 %【1】。针刺伤不仅会造成多种血源性疾病的传播,还会给 护士的心理造成负面影响, 甚至导致科室群体性恐慌, 严重影响护士的工作和生 活质量。结论长时间的强工作量、 恶劣的工作环境和不当的工作行为是导致针刺 伤的主要原因。需改善工作环境,进行职业安全教育,加强护士业务学习,完善 防护制度,规范操作技术,加强锐器管理是避免职业伤害、保证职业安全,杜绝 针刺伤发生的关键。 Study on the risk factors of getting infection among blood collecting nurses for being stabbed Abstract: Objective To analyze the risk factors of getting infection among blood collecting nurses for being stabbed.Methods To observe, sum up the problems occurred during blood draw and analyze the If stabbed, people could be infected by a small amount of HBV virus; what ’ s more, when stabbed, the HIV prevalence is from % to %, as a result, the chances of HIV infection is 19% to 40%, and the stabbed infection ratio by HIV virus is from % to %. Conclusion The main causes of being stabbed are due to long lasting working hours, crowded working environment and inappropriate operation. In order to prevent against stab and virus infection, it is necessary for nurses to improve their working environment, urge them to strengthen professional study and personal qualities, and develop th