I 华中科技大学硕士学位论文 Abstract Resiliency is such a personal characteristic that one behaves well under pressure or adverse circumstances. It acts as the mediator buffer variable between external pressure and mental health. Resiliency has a significant theoretical and practical significance to the increasingly severe college students’ mental health crisis. Therefore, the present thesis tries to conduct an empirical study on the relations among college students’ learning stress, their ego-resiliency and mental health. By adopting piled Learning Anxiety Event Scale, Adult Resiliency Scale, Self-rating Depression Scale and Self-rating anxiety scale, the present research is intended to examine college students’learning stress, resiliency and the general situation of their mental health. It further explores the correlations among learning stress, resiliency and mental health (depression and anxiety) with Correlation Analysis and Regression. Finally a specific path model for resiliency to regulate mental health under the existence of learning anxiety is constructed. 734 undergraduate students including 40 graduate students participated the research as subjects. The findings are presented as follows: 1) There exist significant differences among