最终的英文短语 最终的英文短语 有关最终的相关短语 最终 in the end 最终 at last 最终保险完成额 closed line; 最终被控变量 ultimately controlled variable; 最终闭括号 final closing bracket; 最终不知 final ignorance; 最终裁定 absolute decree; 最终裁决 final ruling; 最终彩色图像 final colour picture; 最终产品 {工} final products; end product; end item; 最终产物 end product; 最终产物阻遏 end product repression; 最终沉降 final settlement; 最终成份 an ultimate constituent; 最终乘积 final product; 有关最终的相关单词 final; ultimate; finally;ultimately 有关最终的相关例句 1. At approxi-mately 11:30 , Pollard finally gave his consent to the search. 大约晚上11点半的时候,波拉德最终同意进行搜查。 2. Mobutu ascended through the ranks, eventually becoming commander of the army. 蒙博托出身行伍,经过一级级晋升,最终成为了陆军司令。 3. Their ultimate aim was a market economy for Hungary. 她们最终的目标是为匈牙利建立起市场经济体制。 4. We will end up living in a society where life is cheap. 我们最终将生活在一个视人命为儿戏的社会。 5. Eventually they reached a pair of ornately carved doors. 她们最终来到一扇雕刻精美的对开门前。 6. She does like to have the last word in any discussion. 她确实喜爱商议什么事全部最终自己说了算。 7. The five survivors eventually reached safety, ragged, half-starved and exhausted. 5位幸存者最终抵达安全之地时已经衣衫褴褛、饥肠辘辘、精疲力尽。 8. They would in the last resort support their friends whatever they did. 不论她们的好友做了什么,她们最终全部会支持她们的好友。 9. His voice will be edited out of the final film. 电影的最终版本会剪掉她的声音。 10. He finally admitte