过节送礼给老板须要注意事项 过节送礼给老板须要注意事项 1、Do your homework. 准备 Buying your boss a gift is just like any other workplace project. So research the history of gift-giving in your office: 给老板买礼品就如同任何工作中的一个项目。因此,调查以往的送礼 情况: * Do people give gifts to the boss 大家(在过节)给老板送礼品吗 * If so, what kind 假如送的话,是送哪类礼品 * Has it ever backfired for any of your coworkers, and if so, how * 曾经出现过有同事送礼后适得其反的情况吗有的话,是怎样发生的 2、Do cut costs. 降低成本 One of the best ways to give your boss a gift, say both Rickenbacher and Bennett, is to buy her something as a team. If each person gives $10, you can give your boss a gift certificate to her favorite restaurant or buy him a pricier gift that his assistant recommends. That way, no one gets singled out as a brown-noser, and everyone shares the holiday spirit. Or consider something inexpensive and consumable: jam you make at home, wine made in your garage, or cookies are all simple and genuine ways to share the holiday spirit without crossing any lines. Rickenbacher和Bennett全部认为给老板送礼的最好方法就是合作买礼品。 假如每人出10美元,你就能给老板一张最喜爱餐馆的用餐礼卡或购置某个来自老 板助手推荐的价格较昂贵的礼品。 这么不会有部分人被认为是马屁精,而且人人全部分享到了节日气氛。 或,考虑不贵、可消费的东西--家中自制的果酱;自家车库中酿的红 酒、或甜饼,这些全部是简简单单而地道的分享节日气氛而不会越界的方法。 3、Don"t get personal. 不要送个人化的礼品The worst gifts for bosses are expensive or personal, said Dallas-based business etiquette expert Colleen Rickenbacher, author of "Be on Your Best Business Behavior."