【摘要】《聊斋志异》作为一部“以传奇法而志怪”[1](鲁迅语)的文言短篇小说,堪称我国古代短篇小说的典范,无论从思想内容和艺术形式它都登上了我国古代短篇小说的高峰。作为一部具有浪漫情怀和理想色彩的小说,《聊斋志异》的最大贡献不仅在于它编织了众多美丽动人的故事,还在于它成功地塑造了一系列令人难忘的人物形象,特别是众多美丽、聪明、善良的女性形象。奇特丰富的想象、变幻莫测的故事、神异迷人的艺术风格、凄婉感伤的艺术氛围,构成了它在艺术和审美上的突出特征。这些审美特征除受蒲松龄自身遭遇及客观环境影响外,更重要的是明清主流思潮即主情浪漫思潮、经世致用思潮、感伤情怀的影响。透过这一层层优美凄伤的故事,揭开这一个个天真浪漫的面纱,我们不难看出,《聊斋志异》虽然是一部“谈狐说鬼之书”,但它却从各个方面折射出当时社会人们普遍的思想价值取向和文化观念追求,也反映出当时人们普遍的审美情感、审美爱好和审美追求。 【关键词】花狐鬼妖;审美;思潮;女性; From“Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio”spend fox ghost monster looked that Pu Songling 's female aesthetic Abstract: As one classic Chinese short story of “records strange or supernatural events (Lu Xun language) by the legendary law”, "Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio" might be called the model of short stories in ancient China. It has reached the summit of short stories in ancient China both in the ideological content and in the artistic form.. As a novel with romantic mood and ideal color, the most contribution of "Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio" lies in that it has not only created numerous beautiful and moving stories, but also portrayed a series of unforgettable characters successfully, especially a lot of beautiful, intelligent, and kind women. The strange and rich imagination, unpredictable stories, miraculous and fascinating art styles, touching and sentimental artistic atmosphere, constituted its prominent ch