甲基硫菌灵在苹果和土壤中的消解动态和最终残留研究 摘要:采用液相色谱-紫外检测器(HPLC-VWD),对3个不同区域(烟台、天津、宿州)2011―2012年苹果和土壤中70%甲基硫菌灵可湿性粉剂的消解动态和最终残留进行了研究。结果表明,甲基硫菌灵(含多菌灵)在苹果及土壤中的消解动态符合一级动力学反应模式,~ ~ d;在末次施药后30 d,甲基硫菌灵(含多菌灵)在苹果中残留量为<~ mg/kg,低于国际食品法典委员会(CAC) mg/kg,表明施用875~1 mg 70%甲基硫菌灵可湿性粉剂3~4次,在苹果上是安全的,且对土壤无污染。 关键词:甲基硫菌灵;苹果;土壤;消解动态;最终残留 中图分类号:+2文献标识号:A文章编号:1001-4942(2018)04-0128-05 Abstract The degradation dynamics and final residues of thiophanate-methyl wettable powder in apples and soils of 3 different areas (Yantai, Tianjin, Suzhou) from 2011 to 2012 were studied by HPLC-VWD. The results showed that the degradation dynamics of thiophanate-methyl including carbendazol conformed to the first-order kinetic reaction equation. The degradation half-lives were ~ d and ~ day in apples and soils respectively. After 30 days from the last application, the final residual quantities of thiophanate-methyl including carbendazol were ranged from below mg/kg to mg/kg, which were lower than mg/kg prescribed by CAC. The study indicated that the application of 70% thiophanate-methyl wettable powder at the doses of 875~1 mg for 3~4 times was safe to apple and soil. Keywords Thiophanate-methyl; Apple; Soil; Degradation dynamics; Final residues 甲基硫菌?`(thiophanate-methyl)是一种广谱性内吸低毒杀菌剂,属于苯并咪唑类杀菌剂,它在植物体内通过转