探索与争鸣 年第期 DOI:.2095--5655-6587 东北地区校园冰雪运动对体育后备人才 培养的影响① 付波 (齐齐哈尔高等师范专科学校 黑龙江齐齐哈尔 161005) 摘 要 :该文围绕东北地区校园冰雪运动展开论述,分析这一举措对体育后备人才的相关问题。文章对东北地区 开展冰雪运动的优势作以简单概述,指出其气温气候这一得天独厚的条件,同时,对这一运动进校园对体育后备 人才的影响进行阐述,其有利于“文武双全”体育人才的培养。另外,从体制和模式两个方面阐述具体的实施措 施,力求快速推进校园冰雪运动的建设工作。 关键词:东北地区 校园冰雪运动 体育 后备人才 中图分类号:G807 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2095-2813(2021)01(a)-0251-03 The Influence of Ice and Snow Sports on the Cultivation of Sports Reserve Talents in Northeast China FU Bo (Qiqihaer Teachers College, Qiqihar, Heilongjiang Province, 161005 China) Abstract: This paper focuses on the campus snow and ice movement in northeast China and analyzes the related problems of this measure to sports reserve talents. This paper gives a brief overview of the advantages of snow and ice sports in northeast China, points out the advantaged conditions of temperature and climate, and expounds the inf luence of this sport on sports reserve talents, which is conducive to the cultivation of sports talen