关于英美爱情观差异的英文论文 英美差异论文.doc关于英美爱情观差异的英文论文 英美差异论文 课 程 论 文 课 程 名 称Survey of Britain and America 题 目Difference of Love View Between China 姓 名 班 级 学 号 任 课 教 师 王 婉 华 所 在 学 院 外语学院 20年 6 月 1. Background of the Study Love is the most beautiful sentiment of our human beings; it is also a very important composition of our lives. Nobody in the world does not want to find a true love and to have a romantic and unforgettable love with somebody. Love can make people laugh, can make people cry, it is an amazing thing. Therefore, whatever in eastern and western, love is always the eternal theme in literary works. While the vision of love varies from country to country. The purpose of this article is to study the difference of love view between China and Western and today I will illustrate it from three parts. Firstly, most Chinese people are not given entire right to purse love, they have to follow their parents ‘advice. In contrast, people in western are free to purse love, love is just a matter of themselves, people around them even their parents will never interfere it. Secondly, the love of Chinese is always relevant to morality, in the eyes of our Chinese people, love always means responsibility, and lovers are not likely to peak up with each other as a result of a small thing. But thing changes in westerners, usually they establish such kind of relationship with somebody on the base of