本方舄瞭展贸易,在平等互利的基磴上,按下列中条 件签定本
Thi s agreenwnt i s entered i nto betv\een the parti es concerned on the basi s of equal i ty and mitual benef i t to devel op busi ness on terns and condi ti ons mutual I y agreed upon as f ol I ov\s:
1言]1 勺人:
Contract! ng Parti es :
Suppl i er : ( herei nafter cal I ed “ Party A “)
傕ent : ( herei nafter cal I ed “ Party B “)
Party A hereby appoi nts party B to act as hi s sei I i ng agent to sei I the corwodity n®nti oned bel ow
Confiwdi ty and Quant i ty or anrount
燮方冬勺定,乙方在有效期内,承金肖不少於 的上述 商品。
It i s noitual I y agreed that Party B shal I undertake to sei I not I ess than of the aforesai d coirodi ty i n the
dur at i on of thi s 能reenant.
3经金肖地H复限在 金肖售。
Terri tory In onl y.
於饷Bi所规定的上述商品的每箪交易,其敷量、僵格及装 条件等殖经甲方io 定金肖售aoe善寸交易做具醴规定。
Conf i r nat i on of or der s
The quanti ti es, pri ces and shi pnant of the corwodi ti es stated i n thi s 顾eenwnt shal I be confi rn®d for each transact! on, the parti cul ars of v\hi ch are to be speci fi ed i nthe Sal es Confi rnati on si gned by the tv\o parti es hereto.
言丁罩碓言忍彳麦,乙方硝按照有所规定的立以甲 方舄受益人的保兑的、不可撤消的即期信用it乙方^出信用H
After confi rnati on of the order, Party B shal I arrange to open a confi rn®d, i rrevocabl e L/C a vai I a bl e by draft at si ght i n favour of Party A w t hi n t he t i n® s
外貿代理合同 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.