英语谚语中的性别歧视研究 作者:赵俊 学号: 09080230 指导教师:刘萍 摘 要: 语言如同一面镜子, 真实地反映了各种社会习俗、 价值观念。 谚语作为语言的精髓, 浓缩了文化的内涵。 它源远流长,历经一代又一代的传承。它来源于人们日常的生活经验, 故能 清楚地显现生活中的种种社会现象。 因此, 透过英语谚语探索性别歧视这一社会现象更具代表性 和说服力。 本文从社会语言学角度出发, 运用总结归纳法从三大方向和七个小点阐述了性别歧视 在英语谚语中的具体体现,并从历史、生理和心理三个方面探究这一现象产生的原因。 关键词: 英语;性别语言;谚语;性别歧视 On the Polyphonic Features of To the Lighthouse Author: Hu Yanling Number: 09080605 Tutor: Guo Xiaochun Abstract: To the Lighthouse is one of the most prominent works of the British novelist Virginia Woolf. Previous studies on the novel have focused on her feminist thoughts, poetic style, and stream-of-consciousness techniques. In fact, Woolf has made full use of the synchronic characteristics of polyphony, bringing a symphonic sound effect of multiple voice parts to the novel. The theory of polyphony is proposed by Mikhail Bakhtin when he researches the works of the Russian writer Dostoevsky. According to Bakhtin, many independent and unmerged voices and valuable consciousness in a work compose the true polyphony. He borrows the musical term polyphony to describe such multiple-voiced phenomenon in the creation of the novel. This thesis begins with analysis of the polyphonic theory, and discusses emphatically the typical polyphonic features dialogism, heteroglossia and unfinalizability, which are embodied in To the Lighthouse , then reveals the polyphony of the structure, theme and the image of Mrs. Ramsay in the novel, so as to excavate the artistic value of the novel. Keywords: Virginia Woolf ; To the Lighthouse; polyphony I Introduction Virginia Woolf, a distinguished female writer, is regarded as one of the literary giants in the history of English literature of the 20 th century. She is a great pioneer and innovator in the field of modern fiction. To the Lighthouse is generally regarded, along with Jacob's Room, Mrs. Dalloway and The Waves as one of Woolf ' s formally experimental novels. Since its publication in 1930s, it has been the favourite of both the author herse