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Document serial number【UU89WT-UU98YT-UU8CB-UUUT-UUT108】
目 录
摘 要
2005 年国内股权激励机制相关法律法规的陆续公布实施标志着股权分置改革在我国正式拉开了序幕。这一里程碑式的改革使得股权激励机制在我国获得了新生,各上市公司管理层股权激励方案如雨后春笋般涌现出来。但是,随着一些实施股权激励的公司出现高管辞职套现、巨额激励资金导致公司连年亏损等现象的产生,人们开始提出质疑,究竟股权激励是用以激励管理者为企业创造更多价值的公司内部治理激励方式,还是只不过是一个管理者“中饱私囊”的变相手段如何提高股权激励的有效性而为企业赢得更有竞争优势的长远发展前景这些都是目前我国股权激励机制在发展中所遇到的问题。而万科作为中国主板市场首开股权激励先例的上市公司,从 2006 年开始实施首期股权激励方案以来就一直备受关注。在公司治理方面被国内许多企业尊为标杆与榜样的万科,在开展股权激励方案中所遇到的问题对于国内其他上市公司股权激励方案的制定与实施有着很好的参考和借鉴作用。
2005 domestic equity incentive mechanism related laws and regulations promulgated by the implementation of the reform of equity division in China officially kicked off. This landmark reform makes the equity incentive mechanism in our country was new, the listing Corporation management equity incentive programs have sprung up. But with some implementation of equity incentive company executives to resign cash, a huge incentive funds lead to heavy losses in successive years as phenomenon, people began to question whether equity incentive is to motivate managers for enterprises to create more value to the company's internal governance incentives, or just a manager pocketed disguised means How to improve the effectiveness of the equity incentive for enterprises to win more competitive advantage in the long-term prospects for development These are the problems in the development of equity incentive mechanism in our country at present. Vanke as China's main board market opened the equity incentive precedent of listed companies, from 2006 began to implement the first phase of the equity incentive plan has been highly concerned. In terms of corporate governance by the domestic many enterprises respect as a benchmark and example of Vanke, in carry out the problems encountered in t

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