
八十天环游地球英文读后感 80天环游世界英语读后感.doc

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八十天环游地球英文读后感 80天环游世界英语读后感
On the main charges in Lisburn.
Fokker, Around the World in 80 days of the story.
Fokker, Ruya is a gentleman, was born in London.
He did not like dealing with the outside world, not to participate in the Parliament, not business, not a farm, he is the improvement of the club members.
On one occasion, he and a friend chat, how can we debate villain in a short period of time fled to other countries.
Fokker, in order to prove that they can use 80 days around the Earth told a friend playing a gamble.
At that time, he immediately to good things and servant “road roads lead to” do a good job with the preparation of the road.
He cross-Europe, the Indian Ocean, riding an elephant through the jungles of India, and China"s Jing Tao Hailang sea battle, he received the final victory, and has a rich prize.
To this end he created a great record at the time - Around the World in the 19th century than the 18th century, around the Earth 10 times faster.
See the book, my heart felt Fokker, too powerful, his firm will to overe the difficult 000-risk insurance 1000, pleted a century when the eyes of a book is purely a crazy feat.
I Ganwu Dao from the book: in the face of dangerous and difficult circumstances, people should calmly, calmly trying all kinds of difficulties overe those clothes, the final victory will belong to you!

八十天环游地球英文读后感 80天环游世界英语读后感 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.

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  • 上传人379266576
  • 文件大小18 KB
  • 时间2021-07-12