抗滑桩支挡工程在重庆市三峡库区某滑坡治理工程的应用.docHans Journal of Civil Engineering 土木工程,2013, 2, 72-78 HdflS 汉斯 / Published Online February 2013 () Anti-Sliding Piles Supporting Engineering Applications in a Landslide in Three Gorges Reservoir of Chongqing Shaoqiang Wu Guangxi Hydrogeology and Geological Engineering Investigation Institute, Liuzhou Email: wu-shaoqiang@ Received: Nov. 11 , 2012; revised: Dec. 4 , 2012; accepted: Dec. 16 , 2012 th th th Abstract: In the city of Chongqing in the Three Gorges Reservoir Rentuo landslide treatment engineering as an example, discusses the basic features, genesis of landslide, to evaluate and analyze the stability of landslide, on the basis of the proposed design scheme of landslide treatment engineering. Through the project example analysis shows that, the anti-slide pile retaining structure in landslide control projects of economic, security, reasonable, can meet the design requirements, the project has good effect, obvious economic benefit and social benefit, provide the experience for the prevention and control of geological disasters in Three Gorges Reservoir area. Keywords: Anti Slide Pile; Landslide; Reservoir Area of Three Gorges 抗滑桩支挡工程在重庆市三峡库区某滑坡治理工程的应用 吴绍强 广西水文地质工程地质勘察院,柳州 Email: wu-shaoqiang@ 收稿日期:2012年11月1日;修回日期:2012年 12月4日;录用日期:2012年 12月16日 摘 要:以重庆市三峡库区仁沱滑坡治理