: . What Does Teamwork Really Mean? Sharon Saw close 1 RT In many job in terviews, a com mon questio n is whether the in terviewee is a "team player". More ofte n tha n not (uni ess the in terviewee is particularly stupid, or maybe particularly hon est but does n't want the job), he or she will say "yes". But what does being a team player really mean? 团队精神的真正含义 沙伦索 面试中常会问到的一个问题就是,接受面试者是否具有团队精神。通常情况下,回答是肯定的,除非接受 面试者特别愚蠢,或者特别诚实而且不想要这份工作。但团队精神的真正含义是什么呢? close 2 RT On the most basic level, a team player is some one who can work with in a group of people. This group is a nu mber of people greater tha n one. Even if there are only two people in the group, they can be called a "team". Therefore it is an esse ntial requireme nt of any employme nt that any potential employee is a team player. 在最基本的层面上,有团队精神的人就是能够与群体合作的人。只要有两个或两个以上的个体在一起就可 以称为 “团队”。因此,未来的员工是否具备团队精神, 对任何工作而言都是一个至关重要的必备条件。 close 3 RT On a deeper level, a team player is some one who can play a role in the team, to achieve and support the goals set and agreed upon by the team. The simplest an alogy to the corporate team would be a sports team. There are two main aims of the football team. One is to score goals and the other is to preve nt the oppositi on team from scori ng. In football, there are eleve n players per side, and almost