电子与通信工程专业英语第一部分 专业英语基础知识 通常,对把英语作为外国语的学习者而言,英语可以分为普通英语、科技英语和专业英语等。普通英语(General English,GE)又称通用英语或日常英语,是传统意义上的英语。 专业英语的特点 【例】 It is important also that the designer be aware of the method of construction or erection to be employed since, in certain cases, the loading conditions to which a member is subjected during erection may induce a stress condition which exceeds that due to the service loads of the structure. (7) 省略句较多。为了简洁,有时会省略掉句子中的一些成分,如状语从句中的主语和谓语、定语从句中的关联词which或that、从句中的助动词等。 【例】 If not well managed, the procedure for construction may be more expensive. 常见的省略(状语从句中的主语和谓语)句型有: as already discussed 前已讨论 if possible 如果可能的话 as described above 如前所述 if so 倘若如此 as explained before 前已解释 when necessary 必要时