关键词:测井曲线;资料验收;小波阈值法;离散 Fréchet 距离 东北石油大学硕士研究生学位论文 The Research and Application of Logging Curve Similarity Algorithm Based on Feature Information ABSTRACT The quality of original perforating data is directly related to the final results of perforating technology, also directly affect the precision of the logging data processing and interpretation, so the acceptance work of perforation data is very acceptance of well logging curve is of great value to application and research as the core part of perforation data acceptance work can guarantee the consistency of perforating original data effectively,and it can provide accurate data for subsequent perforating depth calculating work. This paper focused on the research about realizing well logging curve automated acceptance efficiently and accurately. The mainly research contents are as follows: The logging curve characteristics are analyzed, and the method of wavelet analysis and the basic principle of distance calculation by Fréchet distance curve a