· · 价值工程 168 基于 FLAC 分岔隧道关键部位支护受力特征分析 Analysis of Supporting Force Characteristics of Key Parts of Bifurcated Tunnel Based on FLAC 赵红伟 ZHAO Hong-wei (中铁十四局集团有限公司,济南 ) 250013 ( , , , ) China Railway 14th Bureau Group Co. Ltd. Ji'nan 250013 China 摘要院结合某高速公路分岔隧道工程,基于有限差分数值软件 建立三维数值计算模型,根据隧道硐周塑性区分布和锚杆轴 FLAC 向应力分布分析支护前后的围岩受力特征。根据数值模拟结果可知,支护参数和结构满足安全性要求,能够有效地指导隧道工程的设 计和施工。 Abstract: Combined with a highway bifurcated tunnel project, a three-dimensional numerical calculation model is established based on the finite difference numerical software FLAC, and the surrounding rock force characteristics before and after the support are analyzed according to the distribution of the plastic zone around the tunnel and the axial stress distribution of the anchor rod. According to the numerical simulation results, it can be known that the supporting parameters and struct