《无忧★考网》英语资源频道为大家整理的小学生端午节英语手抄报资料:端午宋词大鉴赏,我在这里祝大家端午节快乐 天天快乐:) 经历了上下两千年的历史,端午节作为一个重要的节日,也吸引了很多词人对其的赞颂与心情的寄托,有思念家人的情怀,有哀国哀家的忧伤。下面我给大家呈现一下古代与端午节有关的宋词。 Experienced in the last two thousand years, the Dragon Boat Festival is an important festival, also attracted many poets to praise and feel its sustenance, miss family feelings, a sad country only sorrow. Below small make up for everyone to show some ancient and related to the Dragon Boat Festival song. 【齐天乐】 [we] 宋杨无咎 Song of Yang Wujiu 疏疏数点黄梅雨。殊方又逢重五。角黍包金,草蒲泛玉,风物依然荆楚。衫裁艾虎。更钗凫朱符,臂缠红缕。扑粉香绵,唤风绫扇小窗午。 The sparse number of huangmei. Shu party on the five. Dumplings gold, grass Po Fanyu, scenery still jingchu. Cut the shirt. More women and Zhu Fu, arm wrapped around the red ray. Powder fragrant cotton, call wind Ling window at. 沈湘人去已远,劝君休对酒,感时怀古。慢啭莺喉,轻敲象板,胜读离骚章句。荷香暗度。渐引入陶陶,醉乡深处。卧听江头,画船喧叠鼓。 Shenxiangren go far, I have wine, a sense of nostalgia. The slow tap coronas warbler throat, like board, Sheng read Lisao chapters. Sweet dark. Gradually into the depths of happiness. Lying to river head, Bi Xuan folding drum. 第2页 /总页数 7 页 【菩萨蛮】 to the tune of Pu SA. 宋陈义 Song Chenyi 包中香黍分边角。彩丝剪就交绒索。樽俎泛菖蒲。年年五月初。 Package fragrant millet edge angle. Color silk cut on velvet rope. Diplomatic activities pan calamus. Every year in early May. 主人恩义重。对景承欢宠。何日玩