全套 CAD 图纸文件资料 QQ 194535455 优秀通过答辩 I 轻型载货汽车设计(底盘设计) 摘要本次设计的对象是轻型卡车的总体设计, 要求该车有良好的动力性和经济性。总体设计的目的是将各分总成协调地组装在一起, 避免各总成之间出现干涉现象, 从而实现汽车总成的运动准确性及行驶平顺性。驾驶室总成设计要满足客户对舒适性的要求; 货厢总成要有足够的尺寸来保证额定装载质量, 但也要考虑汽车的最小转弯半径及机动性; 底盘总成要避免转向纵拉杆和前悬架钢板弹簧的干涉, 保证各总成固定的刚度,使之在行驶中不产生共振。设计中做了以下工作: 总体布置, 其中包括汽车主要技术参数的确定, 发动机和轮胎的选择等; 稳定性的计算, 涉及纵向、横向行驶稳定性的计算, 最小转向半径的计算等; 汽车的动力性计算, 包括各挡车速的计算, 爬坡度的计算, 加速性能的计算, 驱动力和行驶阻力的平衡,功率的平衡;汽车燃油经济性的计算。综合分析、计算、验证得知, 本次设计基本满足了设计任务书的要求。关键字:货车,底盘,总体布置,转向纵拉杆,前悬架,驱动力全套 CAD 图纸文件资料 QQ 194535455 优秀通过答辩 II THE OVERALL DESIGN OF LIGHT TRUCK ABSTRACT Thi s li ght truck must have adequat e haul i ng power and hi gh worki ng effi ci ency. The purpose of the overal l desi gn is to coordi nat e the subassembl i es got toget her to avoi d int erferi ng bet ween them. And then maki ng the truck ’s movement is veraci t y, and to ensure the ri fort . The desi gn of the cab must make the dri ver fort abl e. The pay cube shoul d be bi g enough to ful fi l l the rat i ng carryi ng abi l i t y, but we have to consi der the ti ght est turni ng radi us and fl exi bi l i t y as wel l . There shoul dn ’t be int erfere among st eeri ng drag rod and road spri ng of front suspensi on in the chassi s. The subassembl i es must be fi xed to the chassi s fi rml y to prevent synt ony in the dri vi ng. Mai n work is as fol l owi ng in thi s desi gn: the General arrangement , incl udi ng sel ect i ng the mai n technol ogy paramet ers, the engi ne, the ti res and so on; the Cal cul at i ng of St abi l i t y , invol vi ng port rai t st abi l i t y and landscape ori ent at i on st abi l i t y whi l e dri vi ng, the ti ght est turni ng radi us; the Power performance cal cul at i on, incl udi ng the cal cul at i ng of speeds on al l gear rat i os, gradabi l i t y, accel erat i on charact eri st i c, the bal ance bet ween dri vi ng force and runni ng resi st ance, as wel l as the power; the Cal cul at i on of Fuel Economy. Through the general i zed anal ysi s, comput at i on, confi rmat i on, we confi rm t
轻型载货汽车设计(底盘设计)(含全套CAD图纸) 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.