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46 2012 年 3 月华东森林经理 Mar. 2012 第 26 卷第 1 期 East china Forest Management 徐州市铜山区林地资源红线保护规划构想 蒋婷婷 1 李思刚 1 陈琦 2 齐飞 2 李同立 2 郑刚 1 (1江苏省森林资源监测中心 210036;2 江苏省徐州市铜山区林业局 221116) 摘要: 以徐州市铜山区森林资源二类调查为基础,在对全区林地资源分布、特点、存在问题和保护现状进行综合分析后, 提出林地资源红线保护的指导思想、原则、保护范围、面积和主要保障措施,并首次以 GIS 技术构建了铜山区红线保护区数据库和信息管理系统,实现林地资源保护数据管理的自动化和现代化。 关键词:铜山区;林地资源;红线保护;规划 中图分类号:S750 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1004-7743(2012)01-0046-04 Conception for Protection and Planning for the Red Line of Forest and Mountain Resources in Tongshan District ,Xuzhou Jiang Tingting 1 ,Li Sigang 1,Chen Qi 2,Qi Fei 2,Li Tongli 2,Zheng Gang 1 ( Resources Monitoring Center of Jiangsu Province ,Nanjing 210036 ,Jiangsu ,China ; Bureau of Tongshan County ,Xuzhou 221116 ,Jiangsu ,China) Abstract: The planning took the forest management inventory of Tongshan District of Xuzhou as basic data. After prehensive analysis of distribution, characteristics, problems and conservation status of forest and mountain resources all over the district,this paper presented the guiding principles, the scope of protection, the main area and the major security measures for the red line to protect forest and mountain resources, built database and information management system of red line reserve in Tongshan District with GIS technology for the first time,and achiev

徐州市铜山区林地资源红线保护规划构想 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.

  • 页数4
  • 收藏数0 收藏
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  • 上传人luyinyzhi
  • 文件大小0 KB
  • 时间2016-07-06