Determination of Trace Bromate in Drinking Water with Ion Chromatography
Chen Rui Fu Xue-qi,Shi Ying-lin , Department of Municipal and Environmental Engineering, College of Environmental Science and Engineering School of Civil Engineering, Nankai University Beijing Jiaotong University Tianjin, China Beijing, China e-mail: hjchenrui@
Abstract: US Environmental Protection Agency and the World MS), electrospray tandem mass spectrometry (MS–MS), gas anization determined that bromate is a potential human chromatography mass spectrometry (GC–MS) and ‘‘heart-cut’’ carcinogen, even at low μg/l levels in drinking water. In order to technology can all be used to determine trace level bromate in [5-8] decrease the chemical risk of bromate, the monitor parameters drinking water . Though these techniques described above have increased and maximum contaminant levels of the can all be used to achieve sub-mg/ l level detection limits, they parameters have been controlled strictly. A simple technique each add plexity, and in some cases for the determination of trace level of bromate in drinking significant cost, to the analytical method. In addition, few water with ion chromatography is presented. In the selected plicated preconcentration techniques are used in concentration and velocity of the sodium hydroxide eluent, these methods. broma