Construction of a New Universal Plant Overexpression Vector for cDNA Transformation
Dang-Quan ZHANG*, Zhen-Jun GU, Shun-Yang DENG, Shao-Gang FAN, Quan-Dong ZHU Biotechnology Core Facilities / Key Lab of Non-wood Forest Products of State Forestry Administration, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha 410004, . China * E-mail: NWFP_zhangdq@
Abstract— The transformation of cDNA into plant is still not The majority of eukaryotic messages terminate in a poly(A) tail, carried out directly by a universal transgenic vector, hence it is which is required for efficient translation and message not convenient for the transgenic application of those function- stabilization [8]. The 3' untranslated region (UTR) of o important cDNAs. Herein we introduced a rapid, cost-effective mosaic virus (TMV) genomic mRNA is required for promoting PCR-based DNA synthesis method to construct a new universal efficient translation in plant [9], binate this sequence on plant overexpression vector for the direct inserting of target to the vector to increase the stability of mRNA was translated. cDNA during transgenic application. The new engineered The gene with the KDEL signal sequence was found 100-fold transgenic vector was based on the pCAMBIA vector backbone, than the lack of KDEL signal sequence in transgene plant which was inserted by f