★英语资源频道为大家整理的双语新闻阅读:贾斯汀比伯酒驾吸毒被捕已交保出狱,供大家参考。更多阅读请查看本站英语资源频道。 The 19yearold singer had earlier appeared in court after he was arrested for drunk driving and resisting arrest while allegedly drag racing in Miami early Thursday morning. He looked emotionless and fidgeted as he heard his bail set at $2,500. 现年19岁的歌手贾斯汀·比伯现身法庭,因其在周四凌晨酒驾后拒捕而在迈阿密被捕。在听到要交2500美元保释金时,比伯显得漫不经心且烦躁不安。 Police arrested the pop star as he drove a bright yellow Lamborghini at up to 60mph in a 30mph speed limit zone while allegedly racing Def Jam rapper Khalil Sharief who was driving a Ferrari. 当天,贾斯汀·比伯开着一辆亮黄色兰博基尼,和他一起飙车的是开着法拉利的街头教父的说唱歌手哈利勒·沙立夫。他们在30迈/小时限速区内飙车飙到60迈/小时,也因此被捕。 He had spent a night partying with model Chantel Jeffries and allegedly admitted to officers that he had been smoking marijuana 'all day', taking antidepressants and drinking beer when he was stopped at 4am. 在贾斯汀·比伯于当地时间凌晨四点被拦下之前,他正与模特向特尔·杰弗里斯一起开趴。比伯承认他“一整天”都在吸大麻、使用抗抑郁剂和喝啤酒。 The troubled singer, who has had a number of brushes with the lawLA police raided his mansion earlier this month after a neighbor's house was attacked with eggsallegedly asked the arresting officers 'Why the f*** did you stop me' this morning. 这位问题歌手已经好几次触犯法律。本月早些时候,贾斯汀·比伯因向邻居家扔鸡蛋被洛杉矶警方突击搜查;而周四早上,他被警方拘捕时又对警察爆粗口说:“你们XXX凭什么抓我。” 第2页 /总页数 3 页 And although the singer appeared stoic as he appeared in co