2009年4月北京邮电大学学报 第32卷增刊 Journal ofBeijing University ofPosts and munications Sup. O 文章编号:1007—5321(2009)增-0024-06 路况PTZ摄像机自动标定方法李勃,董蓉, 陈启美(南京大学电子科学与工程系,南京210093) 摘要:为解决路况pan/tilt/zoom(PTZ)摄像机内外参数实时多变,绝对距离难以求解的问题,提出了一种基于路况图像的自动化标定方法:建立全新的路况PTZ摄像机成像模型f根据图像中提取的路面点的相对距离关系,推导模型中各未知参数的求解方法,实现摄像机参数的“白盒”标定,并给出了自动化标定的实现方案;摘录实际路况试验结果,,无须人为干涉和配置,其计算简单,灵活性好,非常符合智能交通监控系统的需求. 关键词:视频监控;PTZ摄像机;摄像机标定;角点检测中图分类号: 文献标识码:A Automatic Calibration Method for PTZ Camera LI130,DONG Rong, CHEN Qi—mei (Department Electronic Science and Engineering,Naniing University,Narding 210093,China) Abstract:Considering that the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of road side pan/tilt/zoom (PTZ)camera are variable,the absolute distance ofobject tocamera difficult to au- tomatic calibration method forPTZ camera based on analyzing trafficvideo model amera using the relative distances ofpoints on road,a method isestab- lished to solving alltheunknown parameters automatic calibration implementa— tionprocedure shows thecalibration theprocedure,only im— ages of the traffic scene are needed without any manual intervention and method has advantage ofsimple calculation and good flexibility,the demand ofintelligent trans— portation surveillance system can be satisfied. Key words:video s
路况PTZ摄像机自动标定方法 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.