摘要安徽省少年排球运动员体能训练现状调查分析 II Investigation and Analysis of Young Volleyball Players’ Training in Anhui Province Abstract Physical training is imposed by the specializ ed scientific traini ng, so that athletes organism can adapt to the training of a benign process in the form, f unction and quality, etc. To enhance physical training of Young athletes and to lay a good foundation of them can not only ensure the development of young athl etes, train personnel for the motherland, but also further increase the level of petitive basis of young athletes. By using of literature, ques tionnaire, statistics and othe r research methods, through the investigation and analysis of Junior volleyball players’ training in Anhui province, the following conclusions are based on this paper: lack of facilities for physical training; part of the coaches are lack of cognitive and unders tanding on the physical training; part of the coaches are lack of systematic physical training program, purpos e; physical training methods and means of simple, seriously hamp ering the level of young volleyball players to improve their skills; communica tion between coaches and athlet es is poor, semi- autocratic and so on. In order to promote the qua lity rationally and scien tifically of young volleyball players in Anhui Province, this paper proposes the following measures: increasing the construction of some venues and facilities, im proving the investment ratio, the introduction of a number of high scientific and technological content of equipment as far as possible; increasing the coaches training, and encourag ing and promoting cross-regional flow and exchange of coaches actively; enhancing communication between coaches and athletes, lading coaches play the effectiveness functions to the main players; using a variety of scientific methods and means to conduct physi cal training. Changing the kind of single, boring training methods like "tr ack" style; strengthenin