会计学 * loveandmarriage爱情(àiqíng)与婚姻 第一页,共18页。 爱情可以排除万难(pái chú wàn nán),排除之后,又有万难。 —— 张小娴 “Men always want to be a woman’s first love --- women like to be a man’s last romance.” ——Oscar Wilde 第1页/共17页 第二页,共18页。 What is the love? Different people in different times have different definitions to love. Nowadays, people defined it as :based on certain material conditions and the common ideal of life, two people in their heart form the most sincere admiration for each other, and eager to become his\her lifelong partner .It is the strongest, most stable and specific feelings. 第2页/共17页 第三页,共18页。 The essence of love “L”-Loyal(忠诚(zhōngchéng)) Be loyal to your lover, which is essential for the true love. Without loyalty,love would not exist. “O”-Observant(用心) It is the bridge of love, which can lead one to the depths of the soul of another. To understand love by your heart, it can make love more solid. 忠于你的另一半,这是真正的爱情必不可少的,没有忠诚(zhōngchéng)也不会有爱情. 用心(yòng xīn)是爱情的桥梁,通过它能到达彼此心灵的深处。用心(yòng xīn)去理解爱情,才会让爱情更加的牢固. 第3页/共17页 第四页,共18页。 “V”- Valued(尊重(zūnzhòng)) When you have dispute in something ,you can not impose your own will on he\ should respecte his\her opinion or choice. “E”- Excuse(宽容) There is no perfect man in this world ,and no one will never make mistakes, forgiving his\her shortcomings and mistakes, which can make love more longer. 当你们有分歧时,你不能把自己的意志强加于他\她,而应尊重他\她的观点(guāndiǎn),尊重他\她的选择. 世界上没有完美的人,也没有人永远不会犯错,原谅(yuánliàng)他她的缺点和错误,可以让爱情更持久. 第4页/共17页 第五页,共18页。 8 0 2 3 Love in number 第5页/共17页 第六页,共18页。 The essence of marriage Love each other( 相爱) This is the most important in a marriage. And it should include loyalty、responsibility and understanding. Live together (共同(gòngtóng)生活) This is the purpose of marriage. It include the combination of the spirit ,the body and