贵州大学硕士学位论文《世说新语》文学语言研究姓名:吕维洪申请学位级别:硕士专业:中国古代文学指导教师:王晓卫 20080501 中文摘要《世说新语》作为南朝时期一部志人笔记小说的典型。该书思想深繁,内容庞杂,成就多面,一向为研究魏晋思想、历史、文学、语言等学者所重视。特别是作为中古语言学研究的重要分支,当代的《世说新语》语言学研究,在词汇学、语法学和修辞学研究诸方面均取得了丰硕的成果。作为纯语言学研究,《世说新语》不论是深度还是广度都达到了很高的高度。但选取从文学语言角度来研究《世说新语》,到目前为止,,首先将《世说新语》文学语言分为人物语言和叙述语言,分别加以考察。在人物语言部分选取最富有特色的话语作微观剖析,对由这些构成的人物语言特色以及在作品中的特殊功用给予宏观分析。这主要体现在人物语言的性格化和多元化。同一类人物,因性格的差异,言语谈吐有所不同;面对相同或类似处境,不同性格, 教养的人所选择的言语不同,这体现性格化的差异。语言儒雅、缜密,语言风格卓然标新,体现时新风尚,文学意味浓,是名士身份的必然反映。以独特的体例, 片段话语,肖像和环境环境描写来速写”人物,体现了人物语言的描写功力,寥寥数语彰显人物性格特征,具有评价导向功能。在叙述语言部分。选取由陈述语言、描写语言和评论语言的特色所构成的叙述语言总体给予宏观的分析。这样多层次,多侧面对Ⅸ世说新语》进行分析考察,从而展示《世说新语》的文学语言在中国文学语言发展中的历史定位。关键词:世说新语文学语言人物语言叙述语言 Abstract Collec tion of Anecdo tes of Famous Personages i s a typical novel of anecdotes inSouthern novel, which is imbued with profound ideas plicated contents, i s anovel that attracts those scholars who attempt to make a study on the ideology,history,literature,and language inWei and Jin present research on the New Collection of Anecdotes of Famous Personages had achieved greatly in the field of linguistics,lexicology,grammar,and New Collection of Anecdotes of Famous Personages had been studied widely and deeply from the linguistic point of view, however,the research conducted by binat ion of literature and linguistics is few by thesis, researching on the New Collection of Anecdotes of Famous Personages from bined point of view of linguistics and literature,is to classify the language in the novel into personage language and narrat ive language and explore them respect the research on the personage language,the thesis is to carry out a micro—。analysis on the utterance of characteristics and amacro—’analysis on the elements and their funct ions of the personage language in the novel,whi chare revealed by the personality and aristocracy of the personage .2. the figure of the sable type in the novel,they talked differently in the novel beca
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