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认识实习报告系别: 环境与市政工程系专业: 给水排水专业姓名: 邢万里学号: 024410247 指导教师: 张奎朱伟萍宋丰明谭水成朱慧杰完成时间: 2011 年4月 15日河南城建学院 2011 年 04月 15日 1 前言为期五天的实习,我们先后去了白龟山水库,新城区污水处理厂,即将竣工的大楼。对这些地方的实习,使我们在学生阶段能较大程度的深入了解给水排水专业在生活生产中的实际应用。前两个地方的参观,让我们了解到了从取水,净化处理水,到供给,最后到污水处理排放的整个流程。对大楼的参观,其中给水部分就是整栋大楼的消防设施,天花板上的是烟雾感应器和喷头的交相配合,墙面上是一个个消防栓,甚至连舞台都有水幕,这样在失火的紧急时刻,人员的人身安全得以保障。这短短的 5天实习时间里,我学到了书本上无法学到的知识,做到了勤于思、勤于学、勤于问。相互的学习,不仅让我对水处理和建筑给排水有了更深层次的了解,巩固了自己的专业知识基础,同时为以后的专业课打下了一定的基础,也许当自己毕业后,这些会是我走上社会的一些资本。随着环境的的恶化,给水排水在生活中的作用越来越大,已经占据了不可取代的位置,作为给水排水专业的学生,我意识到了自己的重要性,同时也倍感压力。我们要学好专业知识,在将来的社会中,一定会有我们的用武之地。最后,在这里,我要感谢我们的实习老师,在这么炎热的天气,带着我们一一参观;还有那些技术人员,正是你们的详细讲解,我们才能有这样更深刻的认识。同时感谢学校为我们刚入大学的学生提供了这样一个实习的机会。 2 preface Five days ofpractice, wehave toBaiGui mountain reservoir, new sewage treatment plant, pletion ofthe building. The practice of these places that westudents stage can larger understanding ofwater level inthe production ofprofessional inlife practical application. The first two places tovisit, and let usknow from water, purifying water, tosupply, and finally tothe whole process sewage discharge. The visit tothe building, which isthe whole building water supply part of fire control facilities, ceiling issmoke detectors and photograph cooperate, metope ofsprinklers isafire hydrant, even stage has the water curtain, sointimes ofemergency fire, which can guarantee the safety ofpersonnel. This short 5days time, myinternship learned books cannot learn knowledge, plished diligently thought, diligently learn, diligently asked. Mutual study, not only let mebuilding water supply ofwater treatment and adeeper understanding, strengthen his professional knowledge foundation, atthe same time for the future lay acertain foundation course, maybe when oneself after graduation, these will bemy some capital tosociety. With the deterioration ofthe environment and water inabigger role inlife, has dominated the irreplaceable position, aswater specialized student, Irealized the importance ofmyself, but also feel more pressure. Wewant tol

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  • 上传人xgs758698
  • 文件大小1.54 MB
  • 时间2016-08-25