国产他克莫司软膏治疗颜面再发性皮炎疗效分析.doc国产他克莫司软膏治疗颜面再发性皮炎疗效分析[ 摘要] 目的:观察国产他克莫司软膏治疗颜面再发性皮炎的临床疗效。方法:将 60 例患者随机分为治疗组和对照组, 每组各 30例, 治疗组外用国产他克莫司软膏,对照组外用自制硅油乳膏,均使用 2 周。另外, 两组患者均每天口服 20mg 盐酸依匹斯汀,2 周后评价疗效。结果: 治疗组总有效率 % ,对照组总有效率 % ,两组疗效比较,差异有统计学意义( P< ) 。结论:国产他克莫司软膏联合盐酸依匹斯汀治疗颜面再发性皮炎效果好,可以在基层皮肤科选择使用。[ 关键词] 他克莫司软膏; 硅油乳膏; 盐酸依匹斯汀; 治疗; 颜面再发性皮炎;临床疗效[ 中图分类号] [ 文献标志码]A[ 文章编号]1008-6455 ( 2015 ) 23-0056-02 Abstract : Objective To observe the efficacy of Tacrolimus Ointment used to treat facial recurring dermatitis. Methods 60 patients were randomly divided into two groups of 30 group was treated with Tacrolimus Ointment ( two weeks ) .Control group received homemade Dimenthicone Cream ( two weeks ) .Both groups used 20mg Epinastine Hydrochloride Tablets and were assessed after two weeks. Results The effectiveness of experimental group is %while it is % in control differences were statistical significant ( P< ). Conclusion Domestic Tacrolimus bined with Epinastine Hydrochloride Tablets in the treatment of facial rec urring dermatitis is safe and Tacrolimus Ointment can bea choice for grassroots Department of Dermatology. Key words : tacrolimus ointment ; dimenthicone cream ; epinastine hydrochloride tablets ; treatment ; facial recurring dermatitis ; effic acy 颜面再发性皮炎是皮肤科临床工作中常见的一种皮肤病, 以轻度红斑鳞屑为主要表现, 病因目前尚不完全清楚。病情反反复复, 影响患者的工作及生活。 2014 年3月-2015 年3月, 笔者采用国