摘要 I 摘 要在我国,刑事法官的庭外调查权作为庭审中调查收集证据的手段,对正确的适用法律,实施国家的刑罚权具有重要的意义。但是,由于我们国家刑事法官庭外调查的范围已经脱离了真正意义的“法庭”,因此很少受到程序的规制,从而也暴露出了许多不尽人意的地方,正因为如此,法官的庭外调查的作用并没有得到真正意义的实现,因而对我国刑事法官庭外调查权的深入研究就显得更加重要。本文着眼于法官行使庭外调查权过程中程序正义与实体正义的矛盾,深入分析了刑事法官庭外调查权存在的社会原因和现实状况,从比较法学的角度深入考察了不同国家刑事法官庭外调查权的状况,同时也研究分析了我国台湾地区刑事诉讼法对法官庭外调查权的规定,通过与其他国家和地区审判模式的对比和借鉴,希望构建符合我国现实情况的刑事法官庭外调查制度。在具体的刑事诉讼的制度中,为了更好的保障当事人的诉讼地位,法官不应该主动的启动庭外调查程序,法律应该赋予刑事法官庭审中的控辩双方向法官提出庭外调查的申请权。刑事法官在进行调查时应当尽可能吸收控辩双方都参与,同时应对双方的申请进行客观调查,以确保法官调查的公平公正。刑事法官在庭外调查核实证据时应当通知控辩双方都到场参加,监督法官的公正调查,对于法官在庭外所调查和收集的证据,应当建立更为严格的质证和认证制度,对于刑事法官庭外调查结果的处理应当由控辩双方出示并发表质证意见才能作为定案的依据,刑事法官在庭外调查中所调查和收集的证据不能认为其承担了诉讼证明责任,法官只是被授予一定的证明权,因此法官不能与控辩双方进行证据辩论。关键词刑事法官庭外调查控辩平等程序正义 Abstract II Abstract In our country, the criminal judge outside the enforcement power as a trial to investigate and collect evidence means the right applicable law and carry out the state's penalty power has the vital significance. But, since our country criminal judge out-of-court the scope of the investigation have been away from the real mean ing of "court" and therefore to be less to the rules of procedure, which also exposed many unsatisfactory place, because of this, the role of the judge's out-of-court survey and not really ge t the realization of the significance, thus to our country criminal judge out-of-court enforc ement power research appears more important. This paper focus on the judge in the process of exercising an out-of-court enforcement power procedural justice and the substantive justice of contradictions, and in-depth analysis of the criminal judge out-of-court enforcement power the social reason and realistic existence condition, from the point of view par ative law thoroughly inspected the different countries outside the condition of the enforcement power criminal judge, and at the same time, the study analyzed the Taiwan to the judge, the criminal procedure law enforcement power outside the rules, through and ot her countries and regions of th e mode of j
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