Obey the order absolutely(绝对服从命令攻略) Obey the order absolutely(绝对服从命令攻略) Lewis (4), (6), Qi Qi Ya Ya (2), (3), Qi ya Lestive gaze; he does not mind going straight in to follow his mother. Invite him to the hotel. - A Use the letter of invitation to contact him - a suggestive gaze; he does not mind going straight into the street; playing on the street; inviting him to the hotel - B Use an invitation to contact him, he suggests, rich staring directly into the mind, (pick either), to kiss him to D (* Lewis) The others are C Use an invitation to contact him, will hand in the hands of Bernard & CG recovery Lewis's mandate 4 is a man mad for Angels To contact the teacher's identity, the family finally beat him to continue to do A Contact as a family teacher. Finally, let him pass B As a family teacher, contact - - only let Anil free - - choose whichever) - B Contact as a friend of a client (whichever you choose) C Lewis's mandate, 5 girls' wishes Visit to the house. Follow him. Go to the room. - A Visit to the house. Follow him. Take a shower. - B Go to the house. Turn right. (whatever you choose.) B Pretend to encounter (can choose), C CG has decided to start. Lewis commissioned 6 enemies to resolve Go to the atrium for lunch simply because there's something to go back to the hospital To the simple solution to the lunch, because there are things t