认知模式与中英谚语的翻译?从认知语言学的角度,对中英谚语翻译中的认知模式进行分析英语099黄紫芬谚语定义Definition作用Effect三种认知模式Cognitive['k?ɡnitiv] model来源OriginDefinition?“short well- known saying that states a general truth or gives are the summing ['s?mi?] up of the experience in the production struggle and the social life and the crystal of wisdom. “Proverbs are the daughter of experience.”e from ①folk life, ②mythology [mi'θ?l?d?i] , ③ literary works and from ④other languages.①Originating from folk lifeFarmers created the following proverbs:(2) A snow year, a rich created the following proverbs:(3) Strike while the iron is 。Hunters created the following proverbs:(5) 钓鱼要稳,打猎要狠。(6)飞打嘴,站打腿。Army-men created the following proverbs: (9) A good general make good men. (10)养兵千日,用在一时。②Originating from mythology(11) I fear the Greeks, even when bringing gifts. (From the well-known story of the Trojan ['tr?ud??n] horse特洛伊木马by which the Greeks took the city of Troy.) 希腊人带来的礼物,没安好心。(16) The fox said the grapes were sour. (From The Fables of Aesop.) ③Originating from literary works(27) Of the thirty-six stratagems ['str?t?d??m] , the best is running away.---《水浒传》(20)“All is not gold that glitters.” is from Shakespeare’s The Merchants ['m?:t??nt] of Venice. 三十六计,走为上计。④Originating from other languagesMany English proverbs originate from Latin. .: (29) The wish is father to the thought. 思考源于愿望。/心有所欲,脑有所思。Soon ripe, soon :速成者必速朽。早熟早烂。
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