西方市场营销学10-munication_Mix : . Thbusiness • 9) Government • 10) Trade • 11) Direct respond, eg. direct orderReasons of advertising • 1) To announce a new product • 2) To announce a modification to the existing product • 3) To remind the customers that the product still available in the market • 4) To educate consumer • 5) To maintain sales • 6) T o i ncrease profit • 7) To challenge competition • 8) To retrieve lost sales • 9) To please the sales force • 10) To attract investor • 11))gppy To show the strong position of the company in the marketSales Promotion • A direct inducement that offers an extra value or incentive for the product to the sales force, distributors or the ultimate consumer with the primary objective of creating an immediate of Sales and Promotion Activities • 1) Consumer-oriented promotion: the target group is direct to end user • 2) Trade-oriented promotion: the target group is middlemanConsumerConsumer--orientedoriented Sales Promotion Techniques • 1) Samp ling – Door-to-door sampling – Samppgling throug h the mail – In store sampling – On-package sampling 2) Couponing 3) Free premium 4) Self-liquidating premium 5) Contest and Sweepstakes 6) Refunds and Rebates 7) Bonus packs 8) Price-off deals 9) Event sponsorshipPublic Relations • The management function which evaluate pp,ublic attitudes, identifies the policies and procedures of an organisation with the public interest and executes a program of action to earn public understanding and Warning : . The Marketing Communication Mix