2021 5 19 5 Clinical Education of General Practice 421 全科医学临床与教育 ceived pharmaceutical intervention on the basis of conventional medication compliance of the two groups at admission and discharge was evaluated according to the 8-item Morisky medi- cation adherence reasons of medication non-compliance in the intervention group were analyzed,and the satis- faction at the time of discharge between the two groups was compared. Results After the intervention,the proportion of high medication compliance in the intervention group (%) was significantly higher than that of the control group χ (%),the difference was statistically significant( 2=,P<). The main types of requiring intervention were wrong time of administration(%)and wrong frequency of administration(%).Patients with junior high school education or below had the highest medication intervention rate(%).Patients with memory deterioration that forgetting to take medicine accounted for the first reason of non-compliance(%).At discharge,the satisfaction rate of pharma- χ ceutical care in the interventi