第 2 页 共 at rice comes from the kitchen. 老大嘿嘿一笑,说:这谁不知道!是从厨房来的呗! The younger son blinked and said, Youre wrong! How can you say rice comes from the kitchen! It indeed comes from the bag.
老二眨巴眨巴眼睛说:不对!怎么是从厨房来的呢?大米是从口袋倒出来的。 The rich man looked at his sons and turned red with anger. You both are so silly! Why dont you ask me when you dont the right answer? You are both wrong! Rice comes neither from the kitchen nor from the bag, it comes from the barn! 富翁看看老大,又看看老二,气得涨红了脸,骂道:两个蠢材,不知道也不问问我,怎么可以在客人面前胡说呢?告知你们,大米不是从厨房来的,也不是从口袋倒出来的,是从咱们的粮仓来的。 The story means that one may do foolish things when he pretends to know the things he is actually ignorant of. 这个英语小故事告知我们,不懂装懂,必须会闹出笑话的。 关于小学生英语故事稿:An Ill-Natured Neighbor An ill-natured, jealous peasant saw his neighbors getting a very good harvest. As he was unable to be glad of his neighbors blessing from God, he devised the way how to destroy his neighbors happiness. To attain his purpose he caught a fox, tied a lighted torch to its tail and drove it in the direction of his neighbors fields. Seeing the fox reached the field, it