2021 年 6 月第 28 卷第 6 期 819 e control group received routine emergency nursing, and the observation group received seamless integrated emergency nursing. The rescue outcome, rescue time of each stage and rescue satisfaction degree were compared between two groups. Results The rescue success rate of observation group was %, significantly higher than % of control group (P <). The emergency rescue time, physical sign examination time, multi-department consultation time, emergency to operation time and effective rescue time of observation group were significantly shorter than those of control group (P <). The rescue satisfaction degree of observation group was %, significantly higher than % of control group (P <). Conclusions Seamless integrated emergency nursing can significantly shorten the rescue time of patients with severe trauma, and improve their rescue success rate and rescue satisfaction degree. [Key words] Seamless integrated emergency nursing; Severe trauma; Rescue success rate; Rescue satisfaction degree 随着国内工业和交通业的不断发展 意外创伤事件发生率 例 坠落 例 观察组中男 例 女 例 年龄 岁 , , 1 。 22 , 8 ; 20 ~