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(考试时间:90分钟 总分值140分 命题:海门市海南中学 殷卫娟)
A 听句子,选择和之相符的图片。(每题1分,共5分)

ain idea of the passage(文章)?
A。 Dogs are clever. B。 Dogs are useful。 C。 Dogs are strong。
( )21 When he is sad, he always walks ________the path between the rivers.
A. on B. at C. in D. along
( )22 I visit my grandparents __________Sunday morning.
A. in B。 on C。 at D. in
( )23 It’s very cold outside. You should keep your windows _________。
A。 open B。 opened C. close D. closed
( )24 In spring, you can _____the sound of light rain, if you ____ carefully。
A。 hear, listen B。 listen, hear C. hear, listen to D. listen to, hear
( )25 It is________to know that the most dangerous animal is
A. amazed B。 wonderful C. strange D. great
( )26 Could you tell me ______ Sunnyside Shopping Mall?
A。 the way of B. the way to C. how can I get to D. how go to
( ) 27 ________ of the students played on the playground just now。 They were in the classroom。
A。 None   B。 All  C. Both  D. No one
( ) 28 You look so tired。 Why not _______ a rest?
A. to stop to have  B。 to stop having 
C。 stop to have  D。 stop having
( ) 29 -Is there __________in today's newspaper?
-_______。 You don’t need to read it at all。
A。 something interesting; Yes B. interesting something; No
C。 interesting anything; Yes D。 anything interesting; No
( )30。 Jim, with his parents, ____ travel to Tokyo next week。
A. are going to B. is going to C. will be  D. will go
( )31 Which of the following cities is the capital?
A。 Shanghai B. New York  C。 California  D. Paris
( )32. He _______go there ________. He hates the place.
A。 \; no more  B。 won’t; any more  C。 will; any more ’t; no more
( )33. There are a lot of tall buildings on ________side of the road.

初一英语试卷1 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.

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  • 文件大小239 KB
  • 时间2022-03-09