认识尿毒症??肾脏病学已成为医学领域中最具有活力和肾脏病学已成为医学领域中最具有活力和最富有成果的学科之一最富有成果的学科之一??流行病学:患病率大大提高流行病学:患病率大大提高??临床特征:涉及多学科的诊断治疗临床特征:涉及多学科的诊断治疗??肾替代治疗技术和理念的改进和提高肾替代治疗技术和理念的改进和提高??肾小球疾病的疗效大大提高肾小球疾病的疗效大大提高??慢性肾脏病的进展大大延缓慢性肾脏病的进展大大延缓??肾脏疾病相关并发症的处理肾脏疾病相关并发症的处理大多数人在患病以前可能甚至还不知道肾脏对维持健康和生命的重要性。实际上,肾脏可以: ?清除废物和多余的水分?维持身体内环境的稳定, 保持水、电解质和酸碱平衡?维持骨骼的强壮?促进红细胞的生成?控制血压肾脏的功能终末期肾病的患病率与国民经济的关系不同地区 ESRD 的患病率部分国家透析人口患病率 Data presented only for countries from which relevant information was available; All rates unadjusted. ^UK: England, Wales, & Northern Ireland (Scotland data reported separately). Data for Belgium & England/Wales/Northern Ireland do not include patients younger than 18. ** Argentina (2005 – 2007), Bangladesh, Brazil, Czech Republic (2005 – 2008), Japan, & Taiwan are dialysis only. * Latest data for Singapore & Morelos (Mexico) are for 2009. Data for France include 23 regions in 2010. Prevalence of ESRD, 2010 ( pmp ) USRDS 2012 1. Taiwan 2,584 2. Japan 2,260 3. USA 1,870 4. Portugal 1,590 5. Singapore 1,524 12. HK 1,106 End Stage Renal Disease Among People with Diabetes Canadian Journal of Diabetes, 2010, 34(4):324 – 333 Lifetime Incidence of CKD Stages 3-5 in the United States American Journal of Kidney Diseases. Available online 6 April 2013 The overall lifetime risks of CKD stages 3a+, 3b+, 4+, and ESRD were %, %, %, and %, respectively..
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