亨利詹姆斯,19世纪美国继霍桑、麦尔维尔后来最伟大旳故事家,也是美国乃至世界文学史上旳大文豪。她旳创作对20世纪崛起旳现代派及后现代派文学有着很巨大旳影响。下面是xx给人们整顿旳亨利詹姆斯英文ly mastered the French, and began to read the French literature, fully accepted the influence of the old European environment. He grew up to realize the complexity of traditional social structures. In his youth, he was more interested in literature and creation. He was bustling between the United States and Europe several times, determined to engage in literary creation, and in the early days of adulthood. He often communicates with his family and keeps in close contact. He is good at social, familiar with the literary and art circles of many contemporary literati, many people become his confidant. On the late 19th century the United States and Europe, the upper life of a nuanced observation. But he was unmarried, James is gay. He and his contemporary American writer Edith Wharton maintained a long-term friendship. His emotional life is rich, creative passion, wrote a lot of masterpieces handed down. James's main works are novels, in addition to writing many literary reviews, travels, biographies and scripts. His novels often write the question of the interaction between the Americans and the Europeans; how the evil of adults affects and destroys the pure and intelligent children; the contradiction between material and spiritual; the loneliness of the art