摘要本次毕业设计是在赣州新盛稀土冶炼厂毕业实习并收集相关资料的基础上进行的,系统介绍了年处理 450 吨高钇重稀土分离厂的设计过程,对稀土元素及其矿物和稀土市场情况也做了介绍。根据原料配分和产品方案合理地选择了工艺流程,采用溶剂萃取法, 萃取平衡体系为环烷酸和 P 507- HCL 体系。首先进行环烷酸提 Y ,然后 Dy /Ho 、 Nd/Sm 分组和 Gd/Tb/Dy 三出口工艺;再经过沉淀、烘干、灼烧、包装等步骤一直到产品。采用了计算机编程,辅助计算了分离工序的技术参数,之后进行了冶金计算和主要设备的选型计算,此外设计中还合理的选择了厂址,并对企业组成进行了规划。同时设计还包括了分析检察、机电维修、辅助生设产备、总图运输、三废处理、投算资核。根据设计要求绘制了工艺流程图、萃取槽的结构图、设备连接图和厂房配置图。关键词: 萃取;三出口;冶金计算稀土生产 ABSTR ACT This desi g nis done on the base ofw ork in the GA NG ZHOU X IN S HENG RARE EA RTHES C om pany Ltd .the rel ated data coll ected there ,is di scuss in detail the desig n Process of separation factory w hich can handle 450 tons hig h-Y mix ed rare earths Per y ear .It introduces and the g eneral si tuation of rare earths resources, the R are earths market condition and the rare earth appli ed ci rcumstance. ording toR aw materi al and the product ,the craft process is chosen reasonabl y. This desig nS chedule adopts the m ethods of solvent-ex traction .ex tractive sy stem is P HC l .First the step isY /R E, the nex t step ofis Dy /H o and the Nd/S m then according to the characteristic of the m ake up of the raw ma terial .U se the advanced technolog y of“ tri-ou t” to separate “ Gd/T b/Dy ”.A fter the steps of precipitation storing R oasting pack and so on. then g et production. sel ect the mai n equipments based On the date of the metallurg y cal cul ati on and the cal cul ate the else cost demonstrate the feasi bil i ty of bui l di ng factory by econom y -anal y zing .Wi th the help puter ,then the metall urg y cal cul ati on and the cal cul ati on of choosing the mai n equipm ents are proceed .A ddi tionall y ,the factory position isal so chosen reasonably and the busi ness enterprise constitutes is arrang ed .At the sam e time ,the content of desig nal so concl udes is: analy s is ex am ination and the machi ne e lectricity mainta ins, the supported production equipments ,the total drag ram of convey ance ,the manag ement of three di scard and the investment budg et esti mati
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