of rural drinking water sources, protection of drinking water sources in rural areas by the end 有序进行中。在此基础上,各驻村干部根据各村实际情况,绘制民情示意图,把各村各户在民情示意图上标明,并着重标注出贫困户、低保户、种养殖大户、信访户等重点户,使全村情况一目了然。与此同时,充分运用民情档案信息,定期对驻村干部梳理出来的热点难点问题,进行集中会诊,有针对性解决实际问题。
我们把“一人学一技”活动作为实施驻村联户制度的重要环节,增强驻村联户干部服务群众的能力和本领,更好地推动驻村联户活动向纵深展开。通过召开座谈会,走访种养大户、致富能手和困难户等典型代表,深入了解当前和今后群众最需要哪些技术和服务,引导干部按照“立足镇情、依据村况、结合专业、考虑爱好”等原则找准学技方向。有计划分层次开展农业实用技术培训,争取使每位乡镇干部熟练掌握一门以上农村实用技术, 努力使一大批乡镇干部成为 “土 专家”“田秀才”。同时,要求每名干部要加强自主学习,至少拜一名致富能手、产业大户、科技示范户等乡土人才为师,在实践中加强学习,提高服务本领,为驻村联户服务群众奠定基础。
为使驻村联户工作落到实处,我们采取“一谈两评三公示” 的工作措施。 “一谈”即通过镇领导班子成员与其他一般干部之间的双向约谈, 了解掌握驻村干部工作动态。 “两评” 即
of rural drinking water sources, protection of drinking water sources in rural areas by the end of the delimitation of the scope of protection, complete with warning signs, isolating network protection facilities
of rural drinking water sources, protection of drinking water sources in rural areas by the end of the delimitation of the scope of protection, complete with warning signs, isolating network protection facilities5
of rural drinking water sources, protection of drinking water sources in rural areas by the end of the delimitation of the scope of protection, complete with warning signs, isolating network protection facilities
联系户对驻村联户干部进行民主评议和村干部对联村党政班子成员进行年终考评。 “三公示”是指驻村干部个人基本情况公示,通过向农户下发民
新店坪镇驻村联户活动汇报材料 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.