dota imba地图指令(bit imba地图指令) Select the -ap mode of game player can choose all the tavern heroes. -ar total random mode selects a hero to randomly select a hero without consuming money. -repick re chooses the hero, spends some money, lets you give up the chosen hero and re elect. Can only use once, generally consume 150 money, but consume 400 in -ar. If it's random hero mode, the new hero is also random. This command cannot be used in the inhibit reselection mode. The -swap 1/2/3/4/5 exchange hero commands an exchange request to the hero number you want to exchange. If he also asks you for a request, exchange success. Exchange commands can be used many times, but only 90 seconds after the start. The commands used in the game -ma shows that the lineup shows the hero and level of the opponent' s control, as well as the offline time of the offline player. -ms displays movement speed to show your hero's current movement speed. -apm looks at the APM command to see the player's current hand speed, the average number of operations per minute. -ii scoreboard displays ally gear -ha view butcher hook hit rate ~aa see the white tiger shooting arrows -invokelist view Summoner skills -weather snow snow -weather rain rain -weather moonlight moonlight weather wind 风 random 随机天气 weather weather off 关闭天气 water green绿色河道 water red 红色河道 water blue 蓝色河道 ai相关命令 pa手选友方ai pe手选敌方a