Unless sun lovers continually reapply sunscreen〔2〕, agents〔3〕 in the sunscreen itself ca11〕 could potentially do more harm than good.
Unprotected skin exposed〔12〕 to UV radiation generates〔13〕 harmful compounds〔14〕 called reactive oxygen species〔15〕 or ROS. These molecules can react with cells, membranes〔16〕 and DNA, causing skin damage and signs of aging.
Hanson's research team found that three UV filters widely used in sunscreens generate ROS when skin is exposed to UV radiation. Only a few UV-filters are capable of blocking UV-A, the wavelengths〔17〕 that penetrate deeply into the skin.
"For now, the best advice is to use sunscreens and reapply them often — the Skin Cancer Foundation recommends every two hours, and especially after sweating or swimming, which can wash away sunscreen — to reduce the amount of UV radiation from getting through to filters that have penetrated the skin," said Christopher Bardeen, an assistant professor of chemistry at UCR. "This, in turn, would reduce ROS generation."
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