英文格式 Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss (surname), or Dear (first name), whatever you normally use when speaking to your boss - in all but the most traditional and formal organizations first name terms are quite acceptable. The resignation letter below is a sample which you can use as is, or as a letter template to amend as you and simplicity are important - just say what is relevant and no more. Do not take the opportunity to tell the employer all the things you'd do differently or would change about the organization given the chance. If they want to know how you feel they'll hold an exit interview, which is the place for feedback, not the resignation the date that you regard to be your leaving date, calculated by adding your contractual notice period (normally a week or a month, or in senior positions anything from three months to more than a year. Stating your preparedness to work your full notice period is significant - asking to leave sooner will reduce your chances of receiving a settlement payment in lieu of notice if it is to be offered. This is when for certain jobs the employer stipulates an earlier leaving date than required by your contractual notice period, in which case the employer must pay you for the notice period, being your entitlement whether you work it or not. In certain jobs, particularly business sales and management positions, resigning employees are often not required to serve their notice period. Many employers have a policy to release resigning (or otherwise terminated) employees immediately to minimise potential disruption or subversion, in which case don't take such a reaction to your own resignation personally. Generally if the employer asks you to leave before your notice period is served then you are entitled to pay in lieu of notice, unless you first indicate an intention or wish, or agree, to leave before servin