oracle ebs常用数据表(Oracle EBS常用数据表) Source: http://space, itpub. net/126211/ INV inventory Two meanings of organization:ry) If you follow the normal mode, you will end up generating MTL^MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS Sales order OEORDER headersal1 SOLD_FROM_ORG_ID SOLDTOORGID is the client layer SHIP_FROM_ORG_ID SHIPTOORGID is the customer receiving layer INV0IGETO_ORG_ID is a single layer for customers DELIVER_TO_ORG_ID Client structure Customer RAcustomers Customer Address RaAddresses Address goods arrive at site RA SITE_USES ALL Address invoice arrives at site OE_ORDER_LINEs_all GL credentials G1 jebatches Certificate date: DEFAULT_EFFECTIVE_DATE Accounting period: DEFAULTPERIODNAME Original currency certificates, credits, credits, credits: RUNNING_TOTAL_DR/CR, such as US dollars Collection of currency certificates, credits and credits: RUNNING_TOTAL_ACCOUNTED_DR/CR Glje headers journal header information Lot number: JEBATCHID Accounting period: PERIODNAME Currency: CURRENCY_CODE Exchange rate type: CURRENCY_CONVERSION_TYPE Exchange rate date: CURRENCY_CONVERSION_DATE Books: SET OF BOOKS ID GL SETS OF BOOKS Document type: JECATEGORY reference, GL RESOURCES Certificate source: JESOURCE Gl_je_lines journal body information CODECOMBINATIONID subject combination number GLBALANCES general ledger balance PERIODNETDR/CR net worth BEGIN_BALANCE_DR/CR initial volume GLJEBATCHES journal batch information (same year) GL_ARCHIVE_BATCHES journal filing GLJEHEADERS journal header information GL_JE_LINES journal details Among them, GL JE BATCHES and GLJE HEADERS are related by JEBATCHID, and are one to many relations Among them, GLJEHEADERS and GL_JE_LINES are related by JEHEADERID, and are one to many relations GLSETSOFBOOKS accounting information, each account has one line of records GL PERIODS accounting period information GL CODECOMBINATIONS code combination information GL BALANCE general ledger balance sheet GL_DAILY_RATES daily rate