1 网络教学资源对网络教育质量的影响分析陈铁郑润如李育瑜(中山大学现代教育技术中心,广州 510080 电话 020-87331091 电邮 ******@. ) 摘要: 在网络教学中, 由于一些教师对现代远程教育的理论缺乏认识, 网络资源建设成了课堂搬家, 另外, 有些教学部门对网络资源建设只追求数量, 不重视质量。利用这样的网络教材进行教学, 不仅造成了内容的重复, 而且完全没有体现出网络教学的新理论、新方法和新模式, 也缺乏对学生的个性和创新能力的培养。成为制约网络教育发展、影响网络教育质量的一个主要原因。本文就目前网络教学资源对网络教育质量影响的主要因素做一分析。关键词: 网络教学资源教育质量课程 Analysis of The Effect work Teaching Resources work Teaching Quality Zheng Runru , Chen Tie , Li Yuyu ( Modern Educational Technology Center,Sun Yat-sen University,Guangzhou 510080 ) Abstract: work teaching, the construction work resources sometimes may not work efficiently because some teachers have no enough knowledge about the theory of modern distance teaching. In addition, some departments only focus on quantity but not teaching quality. In this case, work teaching is only a repetition of the traditional one. W hat ’s more, the teaching resources neither reveal the new theory, new method and new model work education nor develop students ’ characteristics and creativity. T herefore, work teaching resources e one of the main factors of limiting the development work education and also one of the main factors of work education quality. T his paper is to analyze the main factors of the influence work teaching resources work teaching quality. 随着现代信息技术的迅猛发展, 网络技术在教育中的应用日益广泛和深入, 特别是互联网与校园网的接轨, 更为学校教育提供了丰富的资源, 目前, 随着网络教学的开展, 网络对学习产生越来越深刻的影响, 网络环境的开放性、资源的丰富性、资源的易获取性等特征使得网
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