[石榴皮色素的提取及果胶制取的工艺研究] 石榴皮煮水的6个功效 摘要:目的探讨提取石榴皮色素和果胶的工艺。方法用索氏提取法提取色素,酸提取乙醇沉淀法制取果胶。结果提取红色素的最佳工艺条件是:以50%乙醇为提取剂,料液[石榴皮色素的提取及果胶制取的工艺研究] 石榴皮煮水的6个功效 摘要:目的探讨提取石榴皮色素和果胶的工艺。方法用索氏提取法提取色素,酸提取乙醇沉淀法制取果胶。结果提取红色素的最佳工艺条件是:以50%乙醇为提取剂,料液比1∶4,提取温度80 ℃;残渣经过酸提取乙醇沉淀法制取果胶。结论工艺简洁可行。 关键词:石榴皮;色素;果胶 中图分类号::A文章编号:1672-979X(2007)03-0033-02 Study on Technologies of Extraction of Pigments and Preparation of Pectin from Pomegranate Skin SHI Mei, LI Zhong (College of Chemical Engineering, Northwest University, Xi’an 710069, China) Abstract:Objective To study the technologies of extraction of pigments from pomegranate skin and preparation of pectin. Methods The Soxhlet extractor method was adopted for the extraction of pigments, and acid extraction and ethanol precipitation method was used for the preparation of pectin. Results The best extraction condition of red pigment was as follows: 50% ethanol as extractant, ratio of material to liquid 1∶4, extraction temperature 80 ℃. The residue was used for the preparation of pectin by acid extraction and ethanol precipitation method. Conclusion This technologies of extraction of pigments from pomegranate skin and preparation of pectin is simple and 以无毒无害的自然色素代替合成食用色素已是一种趋势,利用廉价的野生资源或农产品废弃物提取自然食用色素并联产果胶,可以降低自然色素的成本[1,2]。石榴是陕西省的特产,资源丰富,但是石榴皮始终未能得到充分利用,因此,探讨石榴皮色素的提取并联产果胶的工艺和条件,具有实际意义。目前,从石榴皮中提取色素和果胶的方法有多种,提取色素常用2种