1 还原型谷胱甘肽抗白血病免疫佐剂作用实验研究作者:潘敬新,林玲,郭健欣,朱元贵,蔡俊峰,郭熙哲,陈志哲【摘要】本研究探讨还原型谷胱甘肽( GSH ) 逆转反应性氧代谢物( ROM )对 NK 细胞抗白血病效应的抑制作用。在 K562 细胞、 NK 细胞的混合培养体系中分别加入富含单核细胞的单个核细胞( Mo ) 和白细胞介素-2( IL-2 ), 观察 RO M 产量和 K562 细胞抑制率, 然后分别加入 GSH 或二氢氯化物组胺(组胺) ,观察 ROM 产量及 K562 细胞抑制率的变化。结果表明: 加入 IL-2 后, ROM 的产量从 ± U/L 增至 ± U/L ( ), K562 细胞抑制率从 % 升至 % () ;在加入 E/Mo=10/1 、 10/5 、 10/10 3 种浓度的 Mo 后, ROM 产量分别为 ± U/L , ± U/L , ± U/L , K562 细胞抑制率分别为 % , % , % , 加入组胺或 GSH 后, E/Mo=10/ 2 时, ROM 产量从 ± U/L , 分别减至 ± U/L 和- ± U/L ( ),随着 GS H 或组胺浓度的增加 RO M 2 产量逐减少, K562 细胞抑制率从 % 分别升至 % 和 ( ), RO M 产量与 K56 2 细胞抑制呈负相关( ); E/Mo=10/5 或 10/10 时,高浓度的 GSH 或组胺可使 ROM 产量减少,但 K562 细胞抑制率提高不明显( )。结论:当 E/Mo=10/2 时, GSH 逆转 ROM 强于组胺,提高 NK 细胞对 K562 的抑制率与组胺相似,但毒副作用轻微, GSH 可能成为更理想的抗白血病的免疫佐剂。【关键词】白血病 Effect of Reduced Glutathione as Anti-leukemic Immune Adjuvant Abstract To investigate the reversal effect of reduced glutathione(GSH) on suppression of NK cells by reactive oxygen metabolites (ROM) in K562 cells , interleukin-2 (IL-2) or mononuclear cell (Mo) was added in cultured cell line of K562 cells and NK cells , the yield of ROM and K562 cell suppression rate were observed. The n the histamine dihydrochloride (DHT) or GSH was added in the mixed cultured cell lines , the ROM production and K562 cell suppression rate were observed. The results showed that the ROM yield 3 increased from ± U/L to ± U/L by IL-2 , and K562 cell suppression rate increased from % to % by IL-2 ().The ROM yields were ± U/ml , ± U/ml and ± U/ml respectively , and K562 cell suppression rates were % , % and % respectively , when Mo was added in the mixed cultured cell lines under ratios of E/Mo bEing 10/2 , 10/5 and 10/ E/Mo was 10/2 , DHT or GSH was added in the mixed cultured cell line ROM yiel
还原型谷胱甘肽抗白血病免疫佐剂作用实验研究 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.