还原型谷胱甘肽抗白血病免疫佐剂作用实验研究论文.doc还原型谷胱甘肽抗白血病免疫佐剂作用实验研究论文 .freelic Immune Adjuvant Abstract To investigate the reversal effect of reduced glutathione(GSH) on suppression of NK cells by reactive oxygen metabolites (ROM) in K562 cells,interleukin-2 (IL-2) or mononuclear cell (Mo) ine dihydrochloride (DHT) or GSH ixed cultured cell lines,the ROM production and K562 cell suppression rate ± U/L to ± U/L by IL-2,and K562 cell suppression rate increased from % to % by IL-2 (P ).The ROM yields l, ± U/ml and ± U/ml respectively,and K562 cell suppression rates ixed cultured cell lines under ratios of E/Mo being 10/2,10/5 and 10/ ixed cultured cell line ROM yield decreased from ± U/L to ± U/L or-± U/L (P ) respectively. yield in the mixed cultured cell line decreased (P ),the K562 cell suppression rate increased from % to % or % (P ),the more ROM yield,the less K562 suppression rate (P ).o is 10/5 or 10/10,the ROM yield decreased by the high concentration of DHT or GSH (P ),but the K562 cell suppression rate not increased by every concentration of DHT or ay reverse ROM and increase K562 cell suppression rate,and GSH is as effective as DHT,but GSH has less side-effect than ,GSH ia immune adjuvant. Key ia; immune adjuvant; reactive oxygen metabolite; NK cell 人们很早就发现,肿瘤组织内及其周围存在着